Monday, April 26, 2010

Paintball this weekend - Orion Valley - May 1, 2010

We will be playing this Saturday, May 1st in the Valley. We'll get started with playing at 10am, with guest briefing at 9:45am, so make sure you are ready to go at that time. By some devilry, it will be May and yet not 120 degrees, so come on our and play before the cedar trees start doing their best burning bush impression.


We'll play some of usual games and some infiltrator, but our scenario will be focusing on some small-team house clearing and sniper eradication. You will be using your 3-man team to take out an opposing team of snipers who will be preventing you from reaching your extraction point.

Special requirements: If you have a ghillie suit (and come on now, who doesn't?) this is a good time to whip it out. If not, your burlap sacks, camo netting, or that ill-conceived bigfoot costume you used once for Halloween would all be appropriate.

If you plan on bringing on someone as a guest this weekend, please let me know in advance, so that we can have some gear put aside for them.

Bring a ruck and what you need to sustain while playing (water, camelback, etc.).

DUES Note!!! Our collections man is advising me that I need to give a reminder about team dues. If you haven't thrown in, please bring out $25 for the season or $40 for the year. We've burned through our war chest getting the field set-up with the new bunkers and need some donations for Phase 2 - outdoor speakers, badminton fields and live entertainment stage). =)

Please note, if you need directions they are posted in the forums, under the "Orion Raiders Paintball" section. There will also be a games discussion for this weekend listed there as well.

Look forward to seeing everyone there!



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