Monday, August 13, 2007

We're back . . .

I hope that everyone has been having a fun and special summer and is looking forward to reuniting with our friends and comrades of the brush and marker. Wow - sounds like an art club . . .

We are going to be trying out a few new things this season:

1. More games involving radios: We have Sport 7/Talkabout radios in our possession and I really want to look into getting these more involved in game play. Two years ago our big spend was on the mortar and bazooka, last year was the new chronograph, this year will be all towards getting some good radios for the team. The ones we have are ok (2 mile range listed on the box - which means about 100 yards in the woods), but I would like to put all of our dues and some other team member's donations towards getting us some industrial-class radios. This will mean getting an FCC license and having a maintenance fee - but I think it will be worth it for the fun that we'll have.

2. Tactical day: More details to come on this one, but it will be a day that involves a longer, single scenario that focuses heavily on small unit tactics. If everyone enjoys doing it, we may try to do these more often.

We are going to be having a small skirmish game this weekend (August 18th) down at Miller Ranch. We'll get started at 9am and then probably play for a couple of hours - and then spend an hour or so afterwards wondering what we were thinking by hanging out in the pool.

Our first official game will be on 9/1.

The schedule for Fall 2007 has been posted to the paintball page.


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