Monday, March 27, 2006

Afternoon Philosophical Rant w/ Michael Dudekoff

Did you ever see a movie called "American Ninja", with the guy that used to throw those little powder balls and would disappear and re-appear in a puff of smoke? I love that stuff! I was convinced for years as a kid that it was possible to do that… :D

I was watching "Braveheart" the other day. I love that movie and I always felt juiced up after watching it, so I went online to find out how much of it was actually true. It seems that the screenwriter took quite a few liberties with the actual story, but the important thing, I guess, is what people "believe" was true, regardless of whether or not any of it ever happened. Know what I mean? Whether it's true or not, it affects what people aspire to be, which seems to be the whole point of everything in the end.

Fiction, or maybe good stories, are a lot more important than truth, I think . . .


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